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Electronics in the UK


My son and I will be traveling in England and Scotland for 18 days in May and early June. The only electronics we plan on taking are one camera for each of us. One of the battery chargers says that it is "Input AC 100-240 V". I'm thinking this only requires a plug adapter. The other charger is "Input 120V". I'm thinking that it might be easier to take a couple of fully charged spares rather than any kind of converter. Thoughts?


Posted by
9110 posts

Spares run out of juice. If they take plain old batteries as well, you can buy new ones if this happens. If not, you might want to take the full monty.

Posted by
9 posts

A converter and a plug adapter really is not that much of a hassle - and worth bringing. The first camera should be fine. We found the hard way in St. Lucia NOT to plug anything big (like a lap top computer)into a converter - blew the converter (which fortunately had a fuse) and the hotel breaker for our room (gulp)! But cameras and such are fine.
Enjoy England and Scotland - I LOVE travelling Scotland! This your first time?

Posted by
9369 posts

When I purchased my camera I made sure that it could use regular AA batteries. I take lithiums, and can usually get a full week out of one set (of course that might vary according to how many pictures you take and/or how large they are).

Your 240v charger will just need a cheap plug adapter. The 120v charger will require a voltage converter AND a plug adapter.

Since you aren't taking a hairdryer, you can disregard Steve's advice about that.

Posted by
20 posts

Thanks all for the thoughts. Since I don't really foresee a need for multiple batteries at home, and with some luck might get to make more than this one visit to the UK, I think I'll go ahead and buy the voltage converter and an plug adapter too.

Posted by
32303 posts


As you'll need a Voltage Converter for at least one of the Camera Chargers, you might have a look at This unit is supplied with a Euro-type Plug, so you'll also need at least one U.K. Plug Adapter (I usually pack several, in case one gets "misplaced").

The majority of "travel appliances" such as Voltage Converters are not designed for "continuous duty" operation, so it's a good idea to disconnect them when not in use.

One additional point regarding outlets in the U.K. is that some are controlled by a small Rocker Switch. If you don't have power, check the position of the switch.

Happy travels!

Posted by
5678 posts

Rick, I have a Canon Rebel that has it's own battery and charger. I always travel to Europe with two batteries. That means that I can almost always have a fresh battery ready. And, I have to say that it can come in handy at home as well. All it takes is forgetting to charge your battery and finding it dead on Christmas morning to be very happy to have purchased at least two batteries. Pam