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Edinburgh to Pitlochry Day Trip

I will be renting a car and traveling from Edinburgh to Pitlochry with a stop in Perth for a day trip. I will be visiting a couple castles in Perth and the Ebradow Distillery in Pitlochry as well as a short hike in Pitlochry.

Does anyone have any other "must see" recommendations while on the way to or from Pitlochry or nearby? I don't have to drive the same route back to Edinburgh. Thank you.

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5678 posts

I would suggest that you get off the A9 at the Queens View and drive west toward the Lochs. It's the B8019. You can take the B846 in Tummel Bridge south to Aberfeldy. Or you can drive further west to Dunalestair. Turn left before you get to Loch Dunalestair to the south side and you'll find a small single track road that will take you through some gorgeous scenery toward Aberfeldy. The road joins up with the B846. You can continue on the B846 into Aberfeldy or you can turn west again at Keltneyburn and explore Glen Lyon. I think it's at Fortingall that you'll find the oldest yew. There was a nice gallery a few years ago. The Glen is really beautiful. You can turn around and head back toward Aberfeldy or continue on to the reservoir and head south toward Killin and back down toward Stirling and Edinburgh.

If you head in toward Aberfeldy, you can head west toward Loch Tay on the south bank and visit the Cranog Center, or stop and take the Birk's of Aberfeldy hike. Ailean Craigh on the north side of Aberfeldy had great food. You can head back to the A9 on the A827 or head south on the A826 to the A822 and Crieff and further south to catch the M8 back to Edinburgh.


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9 posts

I just returned from Scotland yesterday. We spent two nights in Pitlochry before we drove to Edinburgh. Pitlochry is a nice contrast, a small and scenic village. It was only about an hour and a half drive, pretty easy. We followed Rick's hiking suggestions and walked to Edradour Distillery where we enjoyed their tour and grounds. We then hiked to the Atholl Palace Hotel for a wonderful light lunch of game soup and an amazing cheese plate. We also saw a play at their festival theatre... great fun.

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668 posts

Neal: all the above suggestions are good, but I am not sure about "a couple of castles in Perth". There is a small frgment of wall possibly part of Perth Castle, but not easy to find, nor worth the effort IMO (if you wish, PM me and I can tell you how to find it). There is no other castle in Perth. There is Scone Palace just outside Perth (but not on the road to Pitlochlry). There is a tower on Kinnoul Hill which was built relatively recently to imitate the Rhine over the Tay. The Perth Prison is old and castle-like - built for French prisoners during the Napoleonic Wars and still used as a prison, so not open to the public. Other than these, I am at loss as to what castles you might visit.

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74 posts

From Edinburgh to Pitlochry at Kinross is Lochleven Castle on an island which you get to by a ten minute boat ride. This is where Mary Queen of Scots was imprisoned. It's a fun little diversion of an hour or so off the M road. Also a nice little restaurant at the boat dock.

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1850 posts

We drove some of Pam's suggested route last month and really enjoyed the scenery. However, if you plan to do this soon, check and be sure the B846 Tummel Bridge is open. It was closed for repairs when we were there and it's quite a way around if you need to detour.