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Edinburgh during Edinburgh Festival

My husband and his friends are planning a golf trip next August to St. Andrew's. The Edinburgh Festival will be going on during the entire time they are there. I know they will not be staying in Edinburgh but if they go into the city to see some sights how crazy will it be there? Will it be impossible to get restaurant reservations? Any help is appreciated.

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32253 posts

Kathy, I was in Edinburgh during the Festival, Fringe Festival and Military Tattoo in August of this year, and while the city was "busy", I didn't have any problem getting into restaurants. On a couple of occasions I just showed up and had a short wait for a free table (travelling solo does have it's advantages sometimes). However, I'd advise making reservations as far in advance as possible, as some of the more popular restaurants tend to book up quickly. If they decide that they would like to stay in Edinburgh for a night or two, again book as soon as possible and be prepared to pay higher room rates. Cheers!

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9110 posts

The trick is to eat during Tattoo since they won't be able to get a ticket anyway. Some nights it starts at 8:30 and some at 10:30 - - it last ninety minutes. "Higher' is the all-time understatement for room rates.

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32253 posts

@Ed, When I was researching room costs for travel in August, I found that "higher" depends to some extent on where travellers choose to stay. Those who insist on staying on or near the Royal Mile can expect to pay astronomical prices. Those who don't mind staying on the outskirts can get somewhat better rates. I stayed at one of the Hotels listed in the Guidebook, which was just off Dalkeith Road (about a 10-minute Bus ride from Waverley Station). Cheers!

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5678 posts

I love Edinburgh, but I would advise against staying Edinburgh during the festival unless you are attending the festival. It's not so much the crowds as the cost and even availability of things. The price of everything, except public transit and museums, goes up. Also, as someone noted you have to stay a certain length of time for most B&B's and refunds are hard to get if you change your mind. If your friends are going to Scotland to golf at St. Andrews, then stay there or at some other base outside of Edinburgh. By all means do a day trip to Edinburgh to see the sites, but basing yourself in Edinburgh during the Festiva, and not attending any events is like attending a dinner party or feast where you can't have anything to eat. I speak from experience.