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eating in churches

does any one have list of churches that have cafes?

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33588 posts

What Claudia said. You posted this in "To the North" which includes Scandinavia, Ireland, and the UK so I presume it is about one of those. If it is about England, most cathedrals and larger churches has some sort of eating. I won't create a list. Tell us where you are looking and we will help. If outside England, dunno.

Posted by
1064 posts

No, but a lot of them will serve a wafer and a bit of wine if you arrive at the right time.

Posted by
12040 posts

I know of exactly one that falls within the "North" section of this website, although there are without a doubt others... St-Martin-in-the-Fields on Trafalgar Sqaure.

Posted by
3580 posts

My favorites: Manvers Street Baptist Church in Bath. It is on the main street near the train station and has a cafe open morning to early afternoon during weekdays. Also, St- Martins-in-the-Field at Trafalgar Square in London. It has a full cafeteria in the crypt (basement) open morning til tea-time most days (even Sundays, I think).

Posted by
33588 posts

Tom and Swan, If we are going to assume England, off the top of my head I can remember eating at, in, next door to, or under - all associated with the church/cathedral: York Wells Durham St Pauls St Martin-in-the-Fields Tewkesbury Peterborough at Oxford, can't remember which one, Coventry Hereford Worcester that one in Piccadilly behind the wall that has the market Hampstead
St Martins in the Bull Ring, Birmingham and others which don't come to mind at the mo. ... and of course they all have fetes ...

Posted by
993 posts

Thank you Don, for the best question so far this year. We just need you to narrow your field a bit..

Posted by
8293 posts

To add to Nigel's list, Winchester Cathedral has a very nice café and gift shop, in a separate small building just a few steps from the Cathedral entrance.

Posted by
1851 posts

We ate at a small cafe in Westminster Abbey in June, 2008. It was tucked back in the cloisters area. St. Martin-in-the Fields is a good stop and also has an excellent gift shop........Also, I googled "church cafes London" and it listed several others.

Posted by
11 posts

United Kingdom is primary area of interest. Thanks

Posted by
37 posts

I've eaten in a few of the ones named in other posts. One really good experience was after a December/Christmastime concert at St. John's Smith Square, Westminster. It was a Christmas dinner. Not sure if they always serve food after every concert or not. This was several years back--maybe 2000.