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Earls Court Area in London... any opinions?

Due to my tight budget, I am planning on staying in the Earls Court area during my week london trip to London this winter.
Has anyone ever stayed in that area? Is it safe?
Is it very far from most London sights?
About how long does it take to get to Central/Victoria area from there on the tube? Should I take a bus?
Is it something that will become a pain having to go back and forth, making it worth more to go ahead and spend alot more money to stay central? This is my first trip to London.

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9413 posts

Earls Court is by Kensington and a very nice area of London. It's a quick ride from Victoria station on the tube via either the Circle or District lines. London is a fabulous city and you've chosen a nice area to be in. Do what I do each time I leave the states to travel. Use the Google maps website. Type in the address of your hotel or hostel or B & B and when the map comes up click on the satellite image. GREAT way to see how close you will be to things.

London is a very walkable city and with the exception of the Tower of London all the "sites" are close to one another. With an Oyster Card or 7 Day Pass you'll be able to ride the Underground and Bus system if walking is not your thing.

Be sure to read Rick's guidebook. Loads of good information and insight.

GREAT city. Have fun!!!

Posted by
780 posts

Thanks Claudia! I had gone ahead and booked 3 days at the easyhotel (great reviews - clean rooms, just a shower and bed - all I'll need!) for a deal at 22 pounds a night! I may add more now that I know its a good area. Being originally from California, I keep thinking in Los Angeles terms of wow, a city, it'll take me forever to get anywhere! So Thanks for letting me know its not too far. I dont mind walking to do most stuff, but the tube sounds very easy! Yes I plan on loading a 7 day travel card onto an Oystercard! :)

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16795 posts

Earl's Court is fine. A mixture of tourists and locals. I prefer to stay there or next door in South Kensington because it is away from the "hubbub" of t he city but only about 10-15 minutes by tube to the center of town.

Posted by
9413 posts

Happy to help. One of my favorite cities. Been 6 times. Again, have a wonderful trip.

Posted by
643 posts

We're staying in Earl's Court this September at a apartment/hotel called 'base2stay'. Earl's Court is very central, it's on the Picadilly tube line from Heathrow, and you can take either the Picadilly Line or the District to central London. It's also within walking distance to South Kensington and the V&A Museum, Harrods, etc. Seems like a nice area from what I've read. Can't wait to go!!

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780 posts

Yes, I cant wait now either! I also hear there is a Tescos close by as well, which sells groceries (and other stuff?) so that will help too, so one doesnt have to fork over tons of money to eat at a restaurant in central London. Ive heard the prices are outrageous.

Posted by
643 posts

Did you check the reviews of this hotel? Sounds terrible to me, unless you like sleeping in a closet!!

Posted by
643 posts

Earl's Court has a Subway and McDonald's if you're looking for a cheap meal.

Posted by
780 posts

Yea, Im aware that its small. :( I dont mind, as long as a place is clean, and the reviews seem to reflect a good standard of cleanliness in all the easyhotels! I dont mind no window either! Maybe im just weird...

Ive heard even McDonalds is expensive ther! Yikes! Then again, when we choose to travel, we have to go with the local flow....

Posted by
993 posts

Wow, Dave. Tami, let us know how this works out for you. My next planned trip isn't until next year but I want to stay somewhere less expensive than where we usually do(Premier Travel Inn Co. Hall) The rule is you can see more from the bus but the tube is much faster. Earls Court is easy..we took a flat in Barking once..that was too far away, but a lot of fun.

Posted by
993 posts

Don't respond if you don't want to but: I love hearing about other peoples trips to my favourite city. How long are you there for? Any day trips? Are you going alone? What do you plan to see?

Posted by
9413 posts

Tami and OP Dave, IMHO London is one of the great cities of the world. I'll never tire of it and even after 6 visits haven't seen it all. Walkable city. Great public transit. Pleasant and polite people. Good food. Nice shops. Interesting neighborhoods. Fabulous museums and theatre. Lovely parks. Intriguing sporting events. Beautiful countryside. What's not to love? If you like "treasures" go here:
Enjoy your respective sojourns.

Posted by
643 posts

Tami, you're not weird at all. To be honest, if I were traveling alone, I would probably sleep there too if I could get the rate you got!!

Laurel, my wife and I are going to London and Paris in September. We're only going to stay for 9 nights, 8 nights in Paris and one weekend jaunt to Paris. I thought it would be criminal to go to London without seeing Paris for at least a day trip, we were planning to go there on a day trip and were convinced to stay the night. We may take a day trip to Cambridge, we're going to play it by ear to see how we feel. London has so much more to see than can be done in the time we have, so we're having to just see the places we want to see, like the British Museum and Westminster Abbey, etc, and others.

Posted by
780 posts

Dave do you mean youre going to London for 8 days then a day in

Ill be in London 8 days, I wonder if thats enough time to see most of the central London stuff? I have no idea how much there is to see and how tired I will be!
I figure next trip the husband will come with me and I can see more of the UK!

Posted by
643 posts

oops, yes 8 nights in London and one night in Paris. I think it's enough time to hit the highlights. We're not planning on trying to see everything, that would take years!! And we plan to come back to London (and certainly Paris) again in the future sometime too. This is our first time in London and we're going to love every minute of it, I'm sure!!