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Durrington Walls

Has anyone been to Durrington Walls in England? I'm still researching the stone circles including Stonehenge and Avebury, and came across info on Durrington Walls. I'm wondering if you can tour the town and what all you can see there.

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Durrington Wells is not a town as such today, its the old neolithic village. What you will see now is just the earthen ridges that signify the boundaries of the settlement. Its just empty fields and a road that goes through the settlements. Even the signs of the many recent excavations are hidden/not accessible. You'd really need a specialist guide to interpret if for you and judging from my talks to such 'experts' there is a lot of dissagreement in the interpretation of this site. Many inrepter it as the 'workers camp' when building Stonehenge other people say it was a great ceromonial place where the neolthics feasted and celebrated.
Its adjacent to Woodhenge and about 1.5 miles from Stonehenge. If you are interested in this stuff there is a walk with information boards that visits other neolthic monuments from Stonehenge including various burial mounds and the Cirrus as well as Woodhenge and Durrington.