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Dublin to Portrush

My family is traveling from Dublin to Portrush and wanted to stay in Belfast but have found it is too expensive and already booked. Any suggestions for a location near Belfast on the way to Portrush?

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1806 posts

What month are they travelling? How many people are looking for accommodation?

They may want to try Queen's University in Belfast (if they are travelling in summer) for accommodation. Queen's rents rooms to travellers during summer months.

They offer ensuite rooms, so they can have their own bathroom. Queen's also provides a full, hot breakfast in the price. Prices very reasonable and it is well-located in Belfast.

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2479 posts

Rick recommends Bangor (near Belfast) - check the guidebook for hotel recommendations.

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2 posts

Thank you for your suggestions. We have found a spot in Bangor that is reasonably priced, can accomodat all of us and has a view. What more can you ask for! Many thanks.