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Dublin to Edinburgh- Cheapest

My friend and I are trying to find the cheapest way to get from Dublin to Edinburgh. All of the flights we have looked into tack on outrageous fees. We are traveling in early August, just one way.

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5678 posts

Did you check out the ferry to Scotland? I believe that the Belfast to Stranraer would be best. You can take the train from Stranraer to Edinburgh via Glasgow. There are other ferry options, but this is the only one that I've heard of people using. Pam

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7 posts

Thank you for the info. I'll be sure to look into it.

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12 posts

Check out Ryan Air website..... some of the flights from Dublin to Edinburgh are going for 12E.. it is quite inexpensive as long as you don't have to check any luggage.... try going with just a carryon that when packed weighs less than 22 pounds..

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7 posts

Their prices have been all over the map. Just looked now and came out to about $70(US)pp with carry on. :) Not bad. I'm keeping on the look out. Thank you.

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1035 posts

Doubt you will find better than $70. You can do rail and sail from Dublin to Belfast to Edinburgh for about the same price (Stena line).

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32325 posts

Emmie, One other method you could consider would be to take a short train ride to Belfast (it's very pleasant) and use EasyJet to Edinburgh. They currently have flights listed as low as £23.99 (using Aug. 4 and a departure at 17:10 in the search). I believe that price includes all taxes and fees, although I didn't check. This would be a preferable method IMHO, as it's a more efficient use of travel time (unless you really want to travel by Ferry). The flight is only 50-minutes. I didn't check on the cost of the train from Dublin to Belfast, but as I recall it's not too expensive. One point to note is that EasyJet just revised their carry-on limits, so be sure to check their website for the details. If you're travelling with heavy checked luggage, you may have to pay extra (depending on the weight). Happy travels!

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1035 posts

If you go Ken's EasyJet route, you could take a bus to Belfast. It doesn't take much longer than the train and is cheaper (although you can get deals sometimes on rail to Belfast if you book in advance).

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7 posts

Thank you Ken and Mike. I'll be sure to post when we have booked something. My friend is calling Aer Lingus tomorrow about a particular deal coming to about 35euro pp. Keeping our finger crossed. :)