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Dublin/Dingle/Doolin Itinerary suggestions

I am in Ireland for 7 days and after ready the topics on this website i have come up with Dublin (2 nights) then drive to Dingle (2 nights) then Doolin (2 nights) flying out of Shannon on our last day. Does this sound okay for travelling times etc.. thanks in advance for your feedback

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1358 posts

Sounds perfect. Keep in mind that the trip from Dublin to Dingle will take most of a day, I think it's about a 5-6 hour drive. Enjoy.

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9363 posts

Since I don't know what time your outgoing flight leaves, you might need to watch the drive time from Doolin to Shannon on your last day. (Flying back to the US, we usually leave at 9:00 a.m. or so.) You might want to consider staying nearer to the airport on that last night, perhaps in the Bunratty Castle area. There are numerous B&Bs on the road behind the castle, and the airport is about a 10 minute drive from there.

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2739 posts

I think it's okay, Tarn, though as pointed out, you will have one long day in the car. I'm tempted to suggest you stay an extra day in Dublin and Doolin and skip Dingle so you won't be so rushed. However, Dingle is my favorite place in Ireland.

Make sure to take the Kilmer (sp?) Tarbert ferry on the leg from Dingle to Doolin. It will save you a lot of time.

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9363 posts

It's Killimer-Tarbert, and yes, it saves about 75 kilometers off the trip around through Limerick.

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24 posts

Awesome, thank you for you feedback. I think we might fly from Dublin after our two days there to Kerry then head Dingle then Doolin, that might free up some time and our flight is quite late out so we have some travel time in the morning but staying closer is certainly an option. Thank you all so much

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486 posts

Another suggestion. We are holding off on car until we get to Cork so we don't have to worry about one in Dublin. You might look at taking train to Galway or other appropriate city (as we are to Cork) and picking up a car there.