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Dublin Airport - Questions

Hello. I am arriving at the Dublin airport 7 am next week.
I do not want to miss my bus as I will be traveling west to the coast that day. If I arrive at 7:00 and need to wait for my luggage and through customs can I make a bus outside by 7:40 am? The next choice is 8:05 am. Then
it takes 50 minutes to get to Dublin Heuston. I am trying to make another 9 or 11 am train. I am reserving train tickets so will need to pick these up at the kiosk at Dublin Heuston. Please tell me which are the most realistic times? 7:40 bus from the airport to arrive 8:30 to get on the 9:00 train or leave 8:05 from the airport to arrive 8:55 to get on the 11:00 train (as I will miss the 9:00 train by 5 or 10 minutes, darn). Also, does anyone know another number to call the Dublin airport from here? I tried 011 353 01 814 4222 but it is always busy. Thank you!!!

Posted by
1358 posts

There's no way you'll make a 7:40 bus when you're getting off an international flight at 7. Even the one at 8:05 will be pushing it. You've got to go through passport control, customs, get your bags, and find your bus.

Posted by
9369 posts

Definitely the later train/bus. And I agree with the previous poster -- even the later bus is pushing it. Check the Dublin airport website for a different phone, though I'm not sure what information they could give you that would be helpful.

Posted by
881 posts

Where are you going in Ireland, and what day of the week, Rachel? I'm not sure you need to reserve in advance. With very few exceptions, buying the ticket when you get there in Ireland is A-OK. FYI. Hope that takes some of the stress out.

Posted by
8700 posts

Even if your plane arrives on time and you get through immigration/passport control quickly, you can't control traffic. It will be rush hour and it may take more than 50 minutes to get to Heuston station. Beginning at 08:05 Airlink bus #748 runs every 30 minutes so you'll have no trouble getting to Heuston with time to spare--if you book the 11:00 train.

Posted by
484 posts

As Tim said,be sure you take the Airlink #748 bus and not a regular Dublin City bus. It will say Airlink on the side of the bus.

Posted by
57 posts

Thanks all so much for your help. I was trying to avoid another day "wasted" on travel on planes/bus/train, but there is no way around it unless I drive, and then it takes forever to drive to Dingle. So, the 11:00 train it is! Now, I just need to make sure I can even get to Dingle by midnight...Switzerland, Italy, France and Australia were a lot simpler!! :)

P.S. I was not going to reserve train/bus tickets, but most folks on these boards suggested reserving from Dublin only.

Posted by
57 posts

P.S. Is there any quicker way to get from the airport to Dublin Heuston than the Airbus?
Is there a quicker bus perhaps? Thanks

Posted by
85 posts

Rachel, whenever you fly into Europe, allow at least 2 hours between whatever you're doing after the flight and one free day after you get home. I find that's a safe and hassle free period that's freak-out free. If something does come up that exceeds that time frame, consider it serendipity and go with the flow.

When we were in Florence last year, our flight to Frankfurt was delay HOURS by a hailstorm, so we missed everything home to the USA. People were very rude to the airport personal in Italy and Frankfurt. By the time my husband and I spoke with the attendants, they were shocked we were so nice and understanding. We told them to thank Rick Steves. They all got a big laugh out of that. And we got to spend a nice night in Germany with a non-stop flight home. ;)
Relax and enjoy your time off.

Posted by
8700 posts


The Airlink bus is an express bus. There is no faster bus--and I doubt if a taxi would be much faster.

If you take the 11:00 train, you will make one connection in Mallow and arrive in Tralee at 15:03. There is a Buseireann bus that leaves Tralee at 16:15 and arrives in Dingle at 17:30. You'll have the whole evening to start getting acquainted with Dingle.

Posted by
32321 posts

Rachel, Tim's advice was spot on! I'd highly recommend using a Taxi to Dublin Heuston. There's a queue for Taxi's when you exit the airport, but at that time of the morning it may not be that busy? The number of flights arriving at that time will certainly have a bearing on that.

In any case, there are LOTS of Taxis so you won't any trouble finding one. The queue moves quickly. You may find that your Driver is very "talkative" and you'll have an interesting conversation during the ride.

You'll probably be leaving the airport after 08:00, and I'm not sure what the traffic will be like at that time of day (morning rush hour?) I arrived later in the afternoon on my last visit, and traffic wasn't too bad at all.

Enjoy Dingle! It's one of my favourite spots!

Happy travels!

Posted by
57 posts

Thanks everyone for your advice, I appreciate it. Yes, I do like to go with the flow when I am in Florida and travel tons and deal with delays from hurricanes, thunderstorms, etc and even landing because the pilot realizes we have little jet fuel left. Ireland is very expensive though compared to my other trips so I am sending positive thoughts that it will all go smoothly with all the connections.