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Driving time between Galway and Donegal

We are trying to budget time between places in Ireland and have no idea how long it takes. I've read on other posts that it takes longer than you'd think so am wondering if anyone can tell me how long it takes to drive from Galway to Donegal, probably with at least a couple of get-out-to-enjoy-the-view stops along the way. Also, if anyone knows, how long between Dublin and Cork as well as Cork to Dingle. There will be stops along the way to see things so I know that makes it harder to gage how far we can go in a day.

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484 posts

I am assuming by Donegal you mean Donegal Town? Actual driving time would be about 3- 3 1/2 hours plus any stops you make.

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85 posts

Yes, Donegal the town. Thank you so much. I was afraid it would be longer. Any suggestions of what to see along the way?
We have always used the great rail system in Europe. This is our first driving experience and it looks a little daunting - finding the right roads and hearing that they are very narrow and slow-going.

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9363 posts

You can find driving times between towns at I add about 25% to their estimates, but they are pretty accurate with routing and costs. That site will also show you alternate routes - fastest, scenic, preferred, etc.