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Driving Ring of Kerry and Dingle Peninsula at night

We've read that most tour buses start in Killarney from about 10 a.m. When would most be clear of the road? Is it possible (or advisable) to tour the Ring of Kerry starting late afternoon? Would this apply to the Dingle Peninsula too? Sundown is about 10 p.m. in summer and we hope to avoid the tour buses. Thanks for any advice!

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4 posts

I read this hint, but local tourism websites request that all follow the counterclockwise route. The road is so narrow that traffic jams are caused by two way traffic involving large vehicles such as a bus. They described vehicles having to inch around each other slowly & carefully, especially near cliffs. Didn't sound appealing!

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1266 posts

Karen - Funny thing, I was was just reading about this in the RS Ireland travel book(We are planning a family vacation there this May). Any how in his travel book RS talks about driving the Ring of Kerry and avoiding the tour buses.

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94 posts

I drove the Ring last March starting from Killarney at about 8 am and drove it counter-clockwise. I ran into difficulty after leaving Skellig Museum and ended up on farm road as signage was not the greatest. I eventually found the "main" road. I did begin to run into traffic from Sneem back through the Gap. Had difficulty parking in Sneem as I wanted to take a break there.

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27 posts

The Dingle Peninsula has several narrow places and a few single lane bridges but not as many tour buses as the Ring of Kerry. When I drove the Peninsula, we left the B&B in Dingle around 9:30am and didn't run into too much traffic in July. There were a few times we had to wait, but no longer than 5 minutes.

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Thanks Jody, your experience will help with our planning.

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41 posts

Please let me piggy back a question to this post: We will be in Ireland in early August: How long should I allow to drive the Ring of Dingle assuming "normal" sightseeing. We plan to begin the drive from Dingle City in the morning, do the Ring & wind up in Adare the same day? Is this do-able?
Thanks in advance.