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Driving in Ireland

How much car rental insurance- CDW, theft,etc- is

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9369 posts

I have driven in Ireland four times and only had an "incident" once, but I always take the Super CDW which brings the deductible to 0. If you haven't driven in Ireland before, and you plan to be out in the country, you need it. You can't imagine how narrow some of the roads can be, as well as being lined with bushes and stone walls on both sides in many places. With Super CDW you have nothing out of pocket (or your credit card) if something were to happen.

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1358 posts

The correct answer is: all of it. CDW comes with a high deductible, over 1000 euro. You don't want to be stuck with that. Take Nancy's advice.

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19 posts

I agree with the others. I have been to Ireland numerous times and rented a car. Small things will happen on the narrow roads (ie. mirrow comes off, back tail light busted, flat tire, etc) and it is taken car off with the full insurance plan. It is well owrth the relief of mind in order to enjoy the trip.

Posted by
993 posts

I don't know about the theft part, but if it won't break the bank, get it. I've driven in Ireland a few times and its amazing how fast a rock wall will jump up had hit you.

Posted by
635 posts

Even Super CDW doesn't cover the tires (or tyres as the Irish and Brits spell it). We turned in a car with dings all over it and a side mirror hanging and all the guy did was open the trunk and make sure the spare tire was in good shape. Get the Super CDW and drive safely!

Posted by
38 posts

Ditto! Buy all the insurance available. It is worth the peace of mind.