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Driving from Dublin to Dingle

Hello! I'm just starting to plan our summer trip to Ireland. I noticed that Rick said it takes 6-8 hours to drive from Dublin to Dingle, but GoogleMaps says it takes about 4.5 hours. Any idea what the discrepency is? Just taking into account pitstops and such, or does the nature of the roads just require more time? Also, I have a 2008 book, so maybe something has changed since then, road-wise? Thanks in advance for any help!

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10403 posts

If you are arriving in Ireland and immediately leaving Dublin to head to Dingle, I would suggest breaking the trip up. We left Dublin right away and drove to Kilkenny to spend the night. It was about a two hour drive. I don't know that I could have driven any further after a LONG trip flying to Dublin and then the stress of getting used to driving on the left side, etc. We wandered around Kilkenny for the afternoon, checked into our B&B, went to dinner and then went to bed. In the morning we stopped off at the Rock of Cashel before driving to Dingle. Your driving time will be longer than you think it will be. I also strongly suggest you have a GPS.

Have fun!

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1294 posts

To be honest, I am not sure how google maps comes up with their times. I think Rick actually has driven the route. Driving tends to be slower in Ireland, so if google just bases its estimates on distance and speed limits, that could account for the difference. I would use Rick's estimate. If you get there earlier...yea! I do think he give generous estimates...I mean nobody writes to complain if it takes them less time, but they may send a note if he said 3 hours and it took them 5.

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252 posts

Who are you to doubt our beloved Rick?? j/k Google maps calculates strictly by speed limits. It does not take traffic into consideration, narrow windy roads or how many trucks you get stuck behind. Most of their roads goes straight through towns which can result in a slow crawl. As Rick suggests, calculate all your Ireland driving with a 30mph average. Most of the time, you will be pleasantly surprised with an early arrival and extra sight-seeing time.

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2745 posts

Believe Rick. We hit construction, so it took us 8 hours plus.