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Driving around northwest Scotland and the western isles

For those of you familiar with Scotland, I wonder what you think of this travel idea. My husband and I are considering traveling to Inverness, renting a car, and then driving in a large arc toward the western part of Scotland, then out to some of the isles and then back around to Glasgow. Then we'll do a long walk in the Eastern Highlands.... Is driving in Scotland in these areas a good idea? We've never driven in the UK before, but we like the idea of being able to make up the trip as we go along and not be tied to trains and buses. Any thoughts?

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2759 posts

It's a wonderful idea, Kara. The highlands (particularly along the coast) and islands of Scotland are just about my favorite place in Europe. The driving is generally easy, although some of the roads are just one lane with places to pull over. They are not my favorite, but there is generally very little traffice on them.

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5678 posts

I love driving in Scotland and the Highlands and the west coast are particularly good. Pick up a copy of Iain Banks' book, Raw Spirit. It's about the search for the perfect dram, but it's also about driving around Scotland. Great book. Now, I like single track roads. People are friendly. There are a few things to know about driving single track roads. 1. If two cars are approaching the car that reaches a passing place first stops first. 2. When you stop, you stop in the passing place on YOUR SIDE of the ROAD. Do not cross over to the other side of the road to get into what looks like a nice place to wait. Stay on the left and the car will pass you by pulling to left and into that tempting passing place spot. 3. Uphill traffic has the right of way for the most part. 4. Do raise hand from the steering wheel in the friendly acknowledgement of a fellow single track driver. 5. Do leave more time than you think as you'll want to stop and take pictures and enjoy the land you're driving through. Pam

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1851 posts

We did an 18 day driving trip through Scotland, June, 2010. The roads were good, drivers courteous. Some of the side roads are a bit narrow, but those roads had little traffic. The only road we did that was a bit daunting was the Cow Pass one that goes over the mountain to Applecross.............We also took the car on the ferry from Skye to Harris / Lewis. Unlike Ireland where the back roads tend to go over the tops of the mountains or squeeze through very narrow passes, most of the Scottish back roads used valleys between the mountains........Be sure you return your car to Glasgow late enough that the return desk is open. We returned one to Glasgow airport at 6:30 one morning and had to wait for a man to come unlock the gate. Paperwork had to be mailed to us later.

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25 posts

Thanks Carroll, Pam and Cynthia for that feedback! It's good to know we're on the right track (no pun intended), and especially that driving on the left side will be pretty easy to adapt to.