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Dr. Who Tour?

We (my husband especially) are fans of the long running British scifi "Dr. Who". Are there any tours of the BBC that would include Dr. Who? I think it would be a fun thing to do. Thanks!

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1152 posts

The Doctor Who Experience in London is lots of fun. It is like going to a Doctor Who museum. They have lots of figures of the different aliens that have appeared over the years plus all of the different Doctors' clothes up through the 11th Doctor. I'm not sure how long this exhibit runs, but definitely check it out. There are tours in Cardiff, Wales, that visits locations where Doctor Who (and Torchwood, etc.) has been filmed. Let us know if you participate in any of these and what you think.

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57 posts

I am so sad that the Doctor Who Experience will be closing in February, and I will be visiting in March. I hear it is moving to Cardiff...does anyone have any news on that? The other Doctor Who tour looks good!

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1152 posts

Katie, if you are a fan, a side trip to Cardiff might be worthwhile. We thought we might go on our most recent trip, but didn't get to it. If the Doctor Who Experience is in Cardiff then there is all the more reason to go. Cardiff is where they shoot most of the episodes (and Sherlock as well). I've been told that Cardiff doesn't have much to offer otherwise, but I'm not sure if that is a fair assessment. This is an old story, but it might have some information for you: Doctor Who Experience heading for Cardiff