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Dining In London

I have visited London many times and love it. But I have always been solo and dined on pub grub and other cheap fare. In mid March I will be meeting my aunt and cousin and would like to take them out to a nice restaurant. Any suggestions? My cousin is attending King's College so something near would be good but is not a requirement. Thanks for any suggestions.

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1397 posts


If by nice you mean fairly smart / reasonably expensive you might consider Chez Gerard. They are a small chain with several branches in London. My favourite is probably the one in Victoria. Some details here

If you fancy Chinese then the Haozhan in Gerrard Street is a good bet.

If you're prepared to push the boat out, and want somewhere English then maybe the Chop House at Butlers Wharf is worth a look.

I don't know this personally but it gets good reviews and might be the place to treat a cousin who is unlikely to be able to afford it as a student.

Have a good time wherever you end up.


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32253 posts


If you like Italian food and have a "good budget", you might consider Santini's in the Victoria station area. It was reportedly Sinatra's favourite! For details or to have a look at the Menus, go to

You could also check out Jamie Oliver's Fifteen Restaurant,

I also travel solo these days, but I don't let that stop me from having a nice hot meal!


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3428 posts

Have you considered China Town? We love 'Top of the Town'. They have marvelous food- extensive choices- great service and the decor is very nice.