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Dingle Peninsula Bike Ride

Has anyone done the bike ride on Dingle Peninsula that is mentioned in Rick Steve's book? Is it worth doing? Are ther hills? How long did it take you? We will be on a family reunion trip and spending a day in Dingle. 4 to 6 of us have shown interest in doing the bike ride. I am hoping that some of the questions can be sanswered so I can relay the information on. It seem like fun. Thanks.

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17244 posts

I did that ride on my 50 th birthday and loved it. I don't recall how long the actual ride took. We got a late morning start, stopped several places along the way and spent quite a bit of time at the Blaskett info center, the Oratory, and the old fort, plus a picnic lunch somewhere, and we were back before 5. As I recall, It is mostly level, especially along the water, but you do climb up and over a hill on the return.

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91 posts

I would highly recommend the ride. We took off in the morning and like Lola said, not a lot of hills. We left in the morning and stopped numerous times to see the sights, look out at the water, take photo ops, stopped for a bite to eat and were back into Dingle mid to late afternoon. Great fun, great views, well worth it!