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Day trips from London

We are planning to take a few days trips while we’re vacationing in London and have found the usual Evan Evans Tours that go out to Bath/Stonehenge/Windsor Castle and another up to Stratford upon Avon/The Cotswolds/Warwick Castle/Oxford. This usually means a fairly rushed bus tour with a bus full of other tourists. We wanted to find out if anyone had hired any reasonably priced single-car or van tour that would give us a better alternative to the tour buses, without costing us a fortune.
If any tour operator offers the service of hooking up just a few tourists together for one of these trips to keep the cost down on a single vehicle, that would be a real plus.

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2784 posts

I have been on a couple of Evan Evans tours from London, they do not rush you. They also give you free time.

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36 posts

I'm looking for the same things David. I want to go to Stonehenge before hours. I'm thinking of renting a car in Bath or hiring someone private from London to do a tour. I'm not even sure where to start looking

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15627 posts

Some areas, like Bath, you might just want to take the train there yourself and hook up with a local tour.

There are a couple of guidebooks on the subject--"Day trips from London."

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3428 posts

You can do a web seach on private tours. I did one for a Scotland trip once. But Bath is easy to do on your own and there are local companies that take you out to Stonehenge. However, Evans Evans and Frames Rickards are both good.

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81 posts

Why don't you compare day tour options on sites like or Otherwise, there is a small TOURS kiosk just inside Victoria tube station thay might have what you're looking for.

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2 posts

Great feedback. I checked out isango ... nice site. This just might lead to an overnight trip to Paris.

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1265 posts

David - For a day trip to Bath take an early train. You can get a cheap return fare for about 20 gbp. Once in Bath do the Guide Friday bus tour to get the lay of the land(you can hop on hop off all day). The Bath Cathedral is nice to see. Check out the Roman baths, and the Costume Design museum. They also have a nice walking tour at night.