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Day Trip to Oxford

We will be in London in December and would like to take a day trip to Oxford on either Saturday Dec 10 or Sunday Dec 11? Is one day better than another? We would like to see the town, the university, have dinner and then take the train back to London. Any suggestions!

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2800 posts

Hi Dana, you can take the train from Paddington Station in London to Oxford. If you get on line now and get your tickets you can get them for as low as £8.00 for each person, I would get the tickets ASAP. The trip is an hour. A return ticket is considered a round trip ticket.

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304 posts

Dana, we are are going to be in London in early November - and I just signed on to ask about a day trip to Oxford. I was going to ask about tours through or I have also heard you can take the boat there and train back. You can send me a message through this board and maybe we can share information. I grew up in Arlington Hts - small world. Thanks!

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33587 posts

I have also heard you can take the boat there and train back I can't imagine that, sorry. Its about 56 miles from Barnes Bridge to Oxford, walking. Probably further by boat. There are some wide open areas on the Thames/Isis where a boat could let down its hair and get up to 10 knots or so, but much of it is narrower, and with moorings. When there are moored boats the limit is "no wake" and 4 knots. How much time do you have for this boat trip?

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43 posts

dana, check into london walks...they have day tours that take the train from london (so you don't have to deal with a bus trip that takes longer) and they get discount train tickets also

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33587 posts

Any colleges which admit visitors on the weekend will be open longer on Saturdays. If you are interested in Christ Church for the Harry Potter connections, the Hall, or the Cathedral, visiting is all day on Saturdays, mostly, and only the afternoon on Sundays, mostly. The Hall is often open only 2 hours in the afternoon on weekends. Have a look at Do expect that the hours of light - I hesitate to use the word, "sunlight", will be very short.