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credit cards in England/Scotland/Wales?

I'll be in the UK next month, after an absence of several years. I've been seeing a lot of warnings lately about not being able to use U.S. credit cards there b/c they lack a computer chip that's apparently now standard issue in European & UK cards. Has anyone had recent experience, positive or negative? Thanks.

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177 posts

We had no problem using our credit cards last fall that I had notified the credit card companies that we would be in the UK. However, the card that I had not called the cc company-Mastercard it was rejected. A phone call to the cc bank reinstated it with no problem. We had no problem with ATM;s accepting our cards.

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102 posts

We were in England last May. Notified CC companies as mentioned above. Had no problem anywhere, but at the grocery store in a small town in Kent, Folkestone, at ASDA. Had to pay cash. We used our card even at a gas station to fill up and had no problems anywhere else. The grocery store manager said it was my card, but not b/c of the chip. I was able to use my card elsewhere that day with no problems. Overall a positive experience.

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127 posts

Thanks for the reassurance. I've never had any trouble in Europe, but keep reading periodically about all UK/Euro cards switching to chips (for better security, I assume). The only specific place I can recall being mentioned as a problem, however, was in automated ticket machines for train tickets. Glad to know it's not a widespread issue.

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98 posts

We just returned home this morning (2am) from a 2 week trip to England, Scotland and France. There were four of us traveling and we had no problems using credit or debit cards in all three places. All of our home banks were different (two with credit unions, one with BofA and one with Citibank) and we used them in the smallest of pubs to the largest of department stores without problems.

As everyone has noted, just call your bank in advance and let them know what countries you will be in on what dates. Our credit union also gave us a toll free number to call should there be a problem with our card and instructions on what to do should our debit card get "eaten" by an ATM and we needed emergency cash. Everything was a breeze. Have a great trip!

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780 posts

As long as they have a card swiper, it should work. But some places only have a card reader that means you stick the card in from the bottom and it scans the chip. It doesnt have anything that reads the magnetic stripe. I had my British husbands Barclaycard so I had no issues, but when I tried to use my Wells Visa at a couple places, the one with the swiper worked, but not the chip readers where you stick it in the machine. Such a shame, that meant I had to put that stuff on the husbands card too.. :)

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127 posts

Thanks, Tami...As long as I can use ATM's I guess we're fine. Hmmm...wonder why the ATM's work, as you stick your card in them, too. Just remembered where I read the warning: no less than Frommer's London 2009!! They REALLY emphasized it both for the UK & Europe. But I don't think US banks are onboard w/the chip thing guess we'll take our chances.

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5 posts

We have lived in London since October 2008. We use our US credit cards (Mastercard and Visa- different banks)without any difficulty. The only exception is the London tube ticket dispenser machine. But- if you go up to the ticket window with a human attendant- you can use the US credit card. In stores, I always make a point to tell the clerk it is a US based card and does not have the chip- otherwise they just push the little card reading machine in your direction. ATM's are no problem.

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2743 posts

Jean, ATMs read the magnetic stripe, at least in the U.S. I had no trouble with my cards in Scotland last year.

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39 posts

I didn't have any problems using them in 2007 when I went to England and Wales.

The only thing I have read along these lines is that in France some gas pumps take only the ones with the chips, but if you have an AmEx, they have the chip in them.

Other than that, I've not heard of anyone having any problems. So long as you call your card company and let them know you're going to be there, you shouldn't have an problem.