My daughter is having trouble using her credit card in Copenhagen. They told her she must have a PIN. Any suggestions on what she can do until we get one sent to us?
They should be able to swipe the card which then requires a signature rather than a pin. Most of the credit card devices have the ability to swipe.
I just returned from Copenhagen and used my credit card several places. You have to tell them it is a US card. Unless it is a very small shop or business they have the ability to swipe it. I also used ATMs and had cash on me so I tried to use my credit card only in tourist areas and for hotels. But I use the card a few times in various tourist attractions and for small purchases. Did not have any issue.
Where is she trying to use the card? In tourist areas/businesses, they can do the transaction for a swipe and sign card. But many local businesses off the beaten path either won't have that option or the clerks won't know how to do it. Automated machines will only accept chip & PIN. You say you are getting one sent to you. From where? There are only a very small number of institutions that offer them in the US and many that claim to be chip & PIN are really chip and sign.