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considering London 2012

A family of four, first trip to Europe planning for 2012, is concerned about prices and accommodations in London in early July just prior to- but not during - Olympics. We have no special interest in the Games - should we postpone to 2013?

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2611 posts

You might get good deals on hotels pre-Olympics, but they may also be booked with people in town to tour before the games begin. Personally, I'd wait until later in the summer or fall (after the games) or pick another destination. London is so expensive, even without a major world event.

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1986 posts

Recent travel articles are predicting higher prices in London for a lenghthy period with the "triplets " of the Wedding, Queen Elizabeth Jubilee and ending with the Olympic Games

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3843 posts

From a British news article, "The official 16 days of the games will be July 27 through August 12, though events will begin to occur before the official opening ceremonies." It does not specify which events will occur before the opening ceremonies, or what dates they will occur. So you will run into that if you try to come to London before the Olympics officially begin. I think I would give up and choose a different time to come to London.

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2428 posts

Why wait a whole year to 2013. Can you go late in June or stay outside of London and do it as day trips?

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993 posts

I was thinking the same thing. Why would you put it off for a year?

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345 posts

He says it's a family trip, so I'm guessing he's trying to do it during summer holidays.. as a teacher, I appreciate this gesture. I don't think it's worth the try immediately prior to the games, but might be okay right at the start of July. Prices will still likely be higher, but it'll be slightly easier to get accommodation. What can really matter... are we talking about 2-3 days in London, or 2-3 weeks, or? If it's for a day or two, I wouldn't consider it a big deal, as long as you can get something booked. And it can be neat to see the preparations and decorations, even if you don't think you're interested. I'm trying to plan for DURING the Games... loved Vancouver.