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Committed to Scotland 12-22 April

The airfares were way cheaper if I changed my dates by a week. So I leave Boston on the 12th at 19:05 and get in to Edinburgh at 09:20 on the 13th. I come back to the states on the 22nd, leaving at 07:05 and arrive in Boston at 13:20 on British Air. I could have saved myself about $160 if I came back on the 21st but I figured that it was worth the money to have that 1 extra day in Scotland. OMG!!! I've done it... I've gone and committed myself to this trip!

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3428 posts

WOOOOW !!!!! congrats!!! I'm certain you'll have a marvelous trip.

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629 posts

Have a great time. We'll be going in May and would love to hear a trip report upon your return. Thanks, Bob

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993 posts

I am sooo proud of you. This is going to be good. And you know we will be waiting to hear all the details when you get back.

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970 posts

$160 for a day in Scotland is a bargain. Enjoy!

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317 posts

Ticket .. check! passport .. had better be a check :-)
money .. set? credit card and atm tied to checking card? Wishing you a great trip, Pam!