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Comment: Costs in Dublin

Just back from a week in Dublin plus an overnight trip to Wales (Holyhead) and thought I'd share some cost related info. First of all, ATM's are everywhere in both countries and do not charge a fee for withdrawal. Large signs in Dublin's Terminal 2 lead you directly to them. Exchange rates using my VISA Shazam debit card were the same as shown on I used my CapitalOne MasterCard - with no foreign transaction fee - a couple of times in Dublin and again the rate was as shown on Dublin Buses operates a shuttle bus between the airport and about a dozen stops in the City Center. Cost is €6 one way or €10 if a return is purchased at the same time. Tickets are sold by the driver. A pint of ale (568 ml) or an average cocktail (most pubs seem to be featuring Mojitos) or a shot of Jameson run about €5. A pint in Wales goes for £3. A full Irish Breakfast runs from €5 to €10, lunch specials run from €9 to €15 and an evening meal will be upwards of €20 although there are numerous pizza, sandwich and kebab shops to choose from and several Asian all-you-can-eat buffets for around €8. Food in Wales, like the ale, seemed to be about 25% less than in Ireland. Dublin bus fares and tram fares vary with the the destination zones and begin at €1.40. Various passes are available but I didn't investigate because I walked everywhere. Gasoline and Diesel in Ireland is equivalent to $7.50 per gallon. I didn't see any stations while in Wales, so don't know what it is there. I went there on an Expedia package and stayed at the North Star Hotel, a fairly decent three-star place near Connolly Station. I'd guesstimate my daily rate was $60, breakfast not included but available for $13.00. There are many B&B's and Hostels about and I saw signs offering rooms from €39 to €50, usually including breakfast.

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1014 posts

Did you have the ocassion to try Brains Beer while in Wales?

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120 posts

John, No, didn't get to try Brains, sorry to say. My plan was to overnight in Holyhead, take the morning train to Conwy, return on the afternoon train and catch the evening ferry back to Dublin. Because of the big windstorm that hit the UK, the evening (fast) ferry was canceled and I had to leave at noon. The couple of pubs I got to didn't have it. One did have Kronenbourg 1664, though, my favorite lager. I'll be back in Wales for several days in April and will track it down then.

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1014 posts

Brains is brewed in Cardiff and distributed locally. It is kinda like Guiness on steroids.