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Closure at St. Pauls Cathedral

Simply an FYI. You'll have to cut and paste BUT the gist of this story is that St. Paul's has been closed due to the presence of the Occupy London Stock Exchange encampment that has sprouted up and refuses to leave.

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33587 posts

The rabble have now opened up a second site some distance away, too. This is the first time since WWII that the Cathedral has had to close. too bad.

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425 posts

On the radio this morning they were saying that they were hoping to partially open the cathedral in the next day or two.

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33587 posts

The plan is to reopen today, Friday, after a 12:30 service. The plans remain slightly uncertain pending actions by the "demonstrators". They have moved on some "demonstrators" and cleared a path through the tents to the side door entrance for the undercroft, shop and cafe. Nothing has been said but I would expect that the most excellent toilets will remain closed while the tent city is still there. Entrance to the main floor is likely to remain the main entrance. The galleries and dome will remain closed. For the most up-to-date information see the official website of the Cathedral at or their homepage

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12313 posts

I noticed an article, out of London, that the demonstrations have more tents than demonstrators. After I read the article, I noticed the same is true at Liberty Square in DC. Anyone looking for cheap accomodations may find free tent space very conveniently located near major tourist sites. :)

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635 posts

Didn't St Paul's "invite" the protesters? They were not allowed to camp just outside the London exchange.