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Christmas 2012

We are a family of 10 (parents with adult children,spouses and grandchildren) and want to spend 2012 in Europe. We love England, Ireland, Scotland but are thinking of trying a new location. What would you suggest. We would like to rent a house and stay two weeks. The children will be 10 and 11. We love visiting historic sites, walking, sightseeing.

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32253 posts

Cindy, In order to make the trip as interesting as possible for your somewhat "diverse group", you might ask each of them to suggest a few locations they might be interested in. Their replies may follow a common pattern, which will make it easier to "narrow down" a particular country. It would help to have some idea whether the group would prefer a warmer location (southern Europe) or a colder location (northern Europe). Also, what type of "historic sites" would be of most interest - Museums, Galleries, etc.? Good luck with your planning!

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3428 posts

We have enjoyed Austria (especailly Salzburg) in the winter. The Christmas markets are fun and the Alps make a beautiful setting.

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1175 posts

Give a thought to renting a place in France such as We've stayed there in their house that will sleep 10, and were able to drive easily to the Normandy invasion beaches, about 20 minutes, to Mont St. Michel, about 90 minutes, to Brittany, around the bay from MSM, and easily take a train into Paris from Bayeux or Caen. Bayeux is home to the famous tapestry and great restaurants and museums. Caen, likewise the great restaurants and museums, and the train to Paris is about 2 hours. Giverny is driveable as well as are numerous delightful towns along the coasts of Normandy and Brittany. We took the ferry over to Caen (Ouistreham actually) from Portsmouth, England, the home of Admiral Nelson's flagship and British naval history is unsurpassed there. We retrieved our rental car at Caen and we off on the great adventure. Others have their favorites but this is one of our most memorable jaunts. The American cemetery above Omaha Beach is a very moving experience as are all of the D Day invasion beaches.