I'm having to take some red-eyes out of Dublin in July, and unfortunately won't be able to a.) sightsee, or b.) enjoy my lodging. Based on my mobility while in Ireland, I will be getting to the Dublin bus station at around 10pm, and will need to have a place cheap and close to the airport to catch 6am flights out on two occasions. "Paddy's Palace" claims that Rick recommended his hostel, and I frankly don't care if it's a bed with a lock on the door, so long as I can catch my dreadfully expensive flights in the morning. Help?
Hello James. I grew up in Philo and attended the UI before moving to Phoenix. You could try Trinity college dorms. They're in central Dublin but they are very reasonably priced. I'm staying there in Sept. just before the students return.
James, You might try the Townhouse of Dublin. It is about a five minute walk to bus station. Cost is around 70 Euros,rooms are small but clean.