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Changing of the Guard

Hello... Can somebody please give me some advice about how to view the Changing of the Guards. I read that you could stand by the Victoria Memorial for the best view. However, is that too far back to be able to get some good pictures? I thought about getting their early to stake a spot at the fence, but I also dont want to be in the way of a bunch of kids. Any thoughts...

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2800 posts

Hi John, yes Victoria Memorial would be to far for good pictures unless you have a 55-200 len or bigger. If you want up by the fence you would need to be there by 9-9:30am the Changing of the Guards is at 11:30am. I would suggest if you have plans to go out to Windsor or if you can take a morning and go out to Windsor the Changing of the Guards there is a lot better and you can get up close and get fantastic pictures then you skip seeing it at Buckingham Palace and use the time doing something else. You can take the train from Paddington Station to Windsor it's a 35 minute ride.

Changing of the Guards at Whitehall everyday at 11:00am is also great and you can get some fantastic are able to get up close.

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54 posts

You should check out the following website Episode number 57 is entitled “Changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace – London, England”.

Here is the exact link (see below):

You can also get it as a podcast in itunes as this is how I found it. It is a 7 minute video about where you can get good views of the changing of the guard and some snippets of the actual ceremony. This may help you make the best decision on how to go about your visit.

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668 posts

I know that the Palace is the place for changing the guard, but you can see the "new" guard getting ready at St. James Palace off the Mall, and there is a horseback changing of teh guard at Horsguards Parade, both of which are quite interesting.

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31 posts

Yes, do check out St. James Palace and Horseguards. Also, on a regular Monday morning, I saw a bunch of different guards/guard bands/horseguards, as well as a Bentley and a carriage (for an ambassador visiting the queen, we think) on the Mall. It was just by chance, I don't know how to find out when there will be parades like that. But I'm guessing it was better than jockeying for position in front of Buckingham Palace.

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3428 posts

I have to second the suggesstion of Windsor. We really enjoyed see the Change there. Buckingham is nice, but sooooo crowded. Horseguards is also nice.

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934 posts

We enjoyed he changing of the horse guards.Up close and not too crowded.We were in London when the Queen opened Parliment and were able to see the parade from her home to Parliment.It was a fantastic event and most of london was watching.Seeing the Queens white carriage with 4 white horses and 96 black horses in front and back was really exciting.

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248 posts

Chris, you may have seen them rehearsing for Trooping the Colours which is the Queen's birthday commemoration... That's what we saw when we were there.

John, We enjoyed going to the Horse Guard Barracks first (Whitehall) then walking alongside the Mall while the band and new Guard march toward Buckingham. You'll see the convergence of the guards at St. James Palace. We didn't even bother going to Buckingham Palace at that point.