I wrote for tickets 3 weeks ago and was wondering about when I might hear back as I'm trying to book plays around the date I might get. In July, but don't want to put it iffyoo long. Thanks!
You should be receiving your tickets soon. My tickets reached me in about 2 and 1/2 weeks. i was even able to get my first pick as to viewing the ceremony. :) Suz
Laurel - Like Suzanne I received my tickets in about 2 1/2 week. I will be going on July 10th.
Hey! When I went to the post office they told me that IRC's were no longer available. How did you put return postage on the letters? Thank you!!
Our main post office did have the stamps. The smaller one didn't. My Dad got them, so I don't recall the name...but describe what it's for, and someone at the PO should know (my Dad had to go to 2-3 people).
Kristie - I printed off the section for International Reply Coupons from the USPS web site and took it to my local post office. I had to go through 2 or 3 people, but luckily someone knew what they were.
Same as everyone else, mine came in 2 1/2 weeks. Got first choice too. July 7th.
They'll come soon. Are you doing the RS tour July 5-11?
We are.
Thanks all. Still haven't heard. Based on your feedback,I"m going to call to see if they received the request. Since it's now been over 2.5 weeks.