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Carryon bag

Traveling to Ireland, will I be able to bring my knitting on board?

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3648 posts

I always take my knitting on flights so as to have an alternative to reading. I've never had a problem, which is no guarantee that problems will never happen. TSA is known for the arbitrary and irrational behavior of its agents. You could buy some non-metal needles as a low cost insurance policy.

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1976 posts

If knitting needles are allowed, I'd take Rosalyn's advice and bring needles you don't care about, in case they're confiscated. Also remember that other countries have different security measures than the U.S. I connected through Heathrow to Brussels a few years ago and a Heathrow security agent almost took my little nail scissors. She told me sometimes the scissors are allowed and sometimes they aren't, so she had to check. Even if you fly with knitting needles from here to Ireland, Irish airport security may confiscate them when you return here. Just something to be aware of.

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237 posts

You can look up the official rules: but keep in mind that enforcement and compliance can be arbitrary. Going through Liverpool airport and the guy insisted on confiscating my corkscrew which had been through both TSA and Heathrow security but suddenly he had a problem with it. There is little you can do to appeal at that point standing in line so hope for the best but be prepared. =Tod

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1058 posts

Hi Patricia, As others have pointed out, you check both ways... here is the Dublin Airport Authority (DAA) list. I've been told that all knitting needles are banned under section 1.5 "BLUNT INSTRUMENTS – OBJECTS CAPABLE OF BEING USED TO CAUSE SERIOUS INJURY WHEN USED TO HIT". I suppose if you had a cheap plastic set you could always chance it and see what happens, the worst that could happen is they get taken off you....

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6 posts

Thanks Rosalyn, Sarah, Tod & Jim. Very helpful information. Guess I'll pack my knitting in my checked bag.