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Cambridge to Hadrian's Wall

We will be visiting Cambridge in late Sept-early Oct and would like to see Hadrian's Wall-but we won't have a car. Are there any ways to do this, given the wall's distance form the train station and the length of the day at this time of the year? Thanks.

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591 posts

Did you mean to type in another city? Cambridge is about 250 miles from the wall....

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3551 posts

The wonders of Hadrians wall & related are best enjoyed with time. If you do go allow time to visit the museum and Vindolanda as well as walking the wall. You can walk a portion only and still get an idea of it's importance and contribution then stay at a pub along the way and chat with other walkers at dinner or bar side in the pubs. it is all part of the expereince of this Romain contribuition to UK history. amazing