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Calling Card Usage in Ireland

After reading many posts on the subject I have decided to use a calling card on my upcoming trip to Ireland instead of purchasing a cell phone. Some posts implied that the cards either may not work in hotels/B&Bs or may be more expensive to use. Can anyone clarify this?

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9369 posts

On my most recent trip, we stayed in one B&B where you HAD to have a calling card to use their public phone. (It was an old "punt" phone that had not been converted to the euro.) When I have used calling cards I have usually called from pay phones at a restaurant or on the street. Other than the public-use phone I just mentioned in the lobby of my B&B, I haven't used them at hotels or B&Bs. I have never stayed in a B&B that had a phone in the room, actually.

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977 posts

I had a bad experience with a phone card in Ireland. Bought it from a little village shop. Couldn't get the damn thing to work anywhere. When we arrived in Dublin I bought one from the Post Office which was fine. I just called home from various public call boxes.

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47 posts

I couldn't get my phone card to work either. Before leaving the US, I set up an international calling plan with AT&T (my phone was checked by the local rep to make sure it would work in Europe). No extra cards, etc was needed. THe plan was $5.99/month and since I only needed it for 15 days, that's all they charged me for, not for the full month. By paying this flat fee for the international plan, it knocks off so many cents per minute per call. It did use it only for phone calls, NOT texts, etc as that gets spendy very quick. Depends on how much you are planning to use your cell phone. Check with your local cell carrier first for their options. It was worth not having the hastle of trying to figure it out over there.