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Bus service from Londonderry to Belfast via the Antrim Coast

Bus service from Londonderry to Belfast via the Antrim Coast:
I'd like to take a bus one direction from Derry to Belfast. I would like to stop at the Antrim Coast tourist sights such as Dunluce Castle, Giant's Causeway and Carrick A Rede Rope Bridge and then on to Belfast. Can I do that? Should I do a 'guided tour' or just get on buses that will drop me off? Any other suggestions for doing that route from Londonderry to Belfast without a car?

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333 posts

It's not the typical route from Derry-Belfast so you'll have to be careful when you chose the route and may have to get a bus from Derry to Bushmills then to Belfast.

Depending on when you go the Ulster Bus may have a specialty tour bus that will take you on the Antrim Coast route between Derry City and Belfast. They don't have the 2010 schedule up yet but the old 2009 one may give you an idea

If that is not available there are a lot of day tour operators that run the same route. I'm sure someone will offer a one-way route. Searching google for Antrim Coast Bus Tours should give you a good idea of the prices.

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25 posts

@Tyson: Thanks a lot. I will rest assured that I'll be able to SOMEHOW get there. Even if I have to do some bus jockeying! It seems, when I look online, that there are a LOT of options for transportation up there from Derry and from Belfast. I'm sure I can make something work. ~DrToonz.