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Bus or train from Dublin to Dingle

Please advise best route for an afternoon departure in Dublin heading to Dingle, Tralee station. Thank you!

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9363 posts

I'm not exactly sure what you are asking, but you can find bus schedules at: You won't be able to get any closer to Dingle by train than Tralee.

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8700 posts

If you were to go by bus all the way from Dublin to Dingle, the last bus you could take leaves Dublin at 11:30. Change in Limerick and Tralee and arrive in Dingle at 19:10.

If you were to take the train from Dublin to Tralee (change in Mallow), leaving at 11:00 will get you to Tralee in time to catch the 16:15 bus which arrives in Dingle at 17:20. If you leave at 13:00, you will arrive in Tralee in time to catch the 18:00 bus which arrives at 19:10.

If you must wait until afternoon to leave Dublin, then your only choice is the 13:00 train.