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British Food

I found the menu from hotel that we will be staying in. My question is: What are rocket leaves? Sounds spicy, and I would rather not spend my time in the loo. I also don't want to miss out on a nice meal.

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9363 posts

Rocket leaves are not spicy. They are just a green leaf that is often used in British salads. It's not crisp like lettuce, so it's usually seen in a mixed green salad. It has a buttery flavor.

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15 posts

I think you would know rocket as Arugula. And no not spicy.

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199 posts

Thank you Nancy.I would never guess it by its name. I was thinking more like a chili pepper.

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8293 posts

Arugula (rocket) actually has a slight peppery taste to it, subtle but it's there.

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12040 posts

How about this for a British meal that sounds spicy but isn't at all: Bangers and Mash with a side of rocket leaves and flaming pudding.

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345 posts

Arugula can be quite peppery/bitter, I've particularly noticed it with organically grown older strains. I'd never use the word buttery to describe it. It's usually very noticeable. Looks rather like a weed. :)

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9363 posts

Yes, I've read that organically grown rocket leaves can have a stronger taste. They are also smaller in size.

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1 posts

The first time I had rocket letter, i thought it was a bit bitter.

But after a while it grows on you.

Rockets are very popular in the UK. Try a Rocket salad - rocket lettuce, cheese, balsamic vingar, and olive oil.

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2023 posts

It is sometimes listed on menu as roquette--not spicy at all, but maybe a bit peppery. Also seen on menus is Lamb's Lettuce (mild & buttery) which can be purchased as Mache and sometimes includes the tiny, but edible and tasty, roots.

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2 posts

It was my impression that most British food is lacking spice, with the exception of curry/Indian food.

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993 posts

I had a lovely rocket, pear and gorgonzola salad at The Witchery in Edinburgh. Amy, neither is American food necessarily spicy.

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32253 posts

I haven't noticed "Rocket" to be particulary spicy. When included with other food, it just tastes like Lettuce.

Regarding British food, I really like the full English Breakfasts that most Hotels/B&B's serve, but I draw the line at Black Pudding!

Happy travels!

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1170 posts

Ken, have you tried black pudding (also called blood sausage)? It's delish. My son lives on it while in England and even France!