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BPL football tickets

I'm going to be in London over the Holidays and wondered the best way to get tickets for one of the football matches. I'm especially interested in those played at Stamford Bridge or The Emirates on Dec. 26.
Can you buy them from scalpers outside the stadium?

Posted by
389 posts

Just as an aside, does BPL mean the Premier League? I don't believe the British ever use acronyms for their sports leagues. There was a recent article in which the American owner of one of the clubs kept calling the league the "EPL," which clearly seemed strange to the journalists. I believe they also cringe when Americans call penalty kicks "PK's." We do love our acronyms.

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9109 posts

BPL (Barclay's Premiere League) is the same thing as the EPL...naming rights. Both Chelsea and Arsenal are playing at home on the 26th. I've successfully purchased tickets from scalpers in the past. They congregate around the exits of the Tube stations. All the scalpers work together (part of the neighborhood mafia), so they'll be charging the same prices. It's sometimes risky in that for some high-profile matches they will only be "buying". But I doubt that will be the case for the match-ups on the 26th. As Emirates stadium is a big venue you'll probably have more luck at the Arsenal match.

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1068 posts

We just got tickets to see Chelsea play the Wolves at Stamford Bridge by using - we got excellent seats quite last minute (the match is Niovember 26th) for 51 GBP each. We have heard that it is extremely bad juju to try and buy from scalpers - although the advice has been confusing. Either their aren't any scalpers, or you get arrested, or the tickets aren't real or all scalpers are flesh-eating zombies, or....... something. We buy tickets from scalpers here in Seattle and did so a lot back home in NYC, so maybe we just chickened out because of the warnings.... Anyway, diverse horror stories led us to and we are so far very satisfied!

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33513 posts

yup BPL a new one on me. This acronym not commonly used is nanometres away from the acronym for a neo-Nazi group, and even sounds nearly the same. flesh-eating zombies - we are talking about Stamford Bridge, right?

Posted by
111 posts

Kira - Thanks for the website. They do have Chelsea tickets available, but nothing for Arsenal. I think I'll wait. Nigel -
If BPL is an American fabrication, then I apologize (also for sending you American owners who want to change your rules, such as being relegated).

Posted by
33513 posts

Larry The suggestion that the Premier League should become franchises and the removal of promotion and relegation of winning and losing teams has gone over like a lead balloon. I can understand why new foreign owners want to be guaranteed of a return on their investment. All they have to do is ensure that their team is not one of the ones with the three worst records for the year and they stay up. Simples!