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Best places to see around Hadrian's Wall

What areas provide the most to see--eg. Roman life/ruins along Hadrian's wall.

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73 posts

Go to Vindolanda. When we were there, an archeology dig was going on and you could see some foundations. There is a large fort area, a few reconstructed things our kids had fun playing on, and a wonderful museum. We spent several hours here and kids to grandma enjoyed it. Another good site is Fort Chester ( where the ruins go over the river). There is a museum here and some bath ruins too.

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233 posts

I second the recommendation for Vindolanda. When we were there in 2006, one of the men digging things up even handed some to us to look at!

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1302 posts

Not roman ... but Alston is a lovely little town in the north Pennines, about 10 miles south of the wall

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15 posts

We loved Chester's Fort. The River was beautiful.

We also enjoyed lunch at Hadon-on-the-Wall at The Swan and St. Andrews Church. The weather was wonderful and the place was beautiful.

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75 posts

Do the hike between Steel Rig and Housetead Fort, great section of the wall, great views, rugged walk. You can then take the Hadrians wall bus back to the start.