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Bed & Breakfast

Please help! I'm trying also to find a low cost Bed and breakfast in Manchester (pref. Salford Quays) and I think the best ones (lower cost?) wouldn't necessarily be on the internet. Does anyone have any suggestions for where I could stay? I'm not too concerned with looks, I just need a place to lay my head that's a safe place. I eagerly await the seasoned traveler's response!

Posted by
10344 posts

Not a lot of RS types sleep in Manchester, so go to, click Hotels tab at top, input location and dates, check B&B box (if there is one), click Search, it will give you about 30 places in Manchester, show you where they're located on the map, and give a website.

Posted by
12 posts

Thanks for the tip :)
Why don't a lot of RS types sleep in Manchester? It's where I want to call home ;)

Posted by
12 posts

Ooh thank you!! :)
How do you mean wade through with a critical eye- is it pretty obvious the problems one may present? or do I need a veteran traveler to help me out :< ?

Posted by
1358 posts


I am happy to take your advice and stay out of Manchester.

I started staying out in 1943 when I was in Liverpool on a ship for three weeks. Liverpool was boring and I thought Manchester would be interesting; so I went.

But I havent been back. I'm glad you like it. Have a good ole sensational UK time!

Posted by
12 posts

Thanks Carl and to each their own! :)

I really mean that and hope it doesn't come off crass :) Darn emotionless type face.


Posted by
2023 posts

We have had very good luck with smoothhound. The photos and room descriptions are quite accurate. Having ensuite bathroom is important for us. The inn keepers are usually very friendly and serve a nice breakfast. There is also Farmstays which is more often than not a good source of B&B'b but we have had a few negative experiences but we will try them again. Quiet and clean with good beds is important for us. Some of the B&B's will allow use of laundry facilities, dog okay, and a few will stable your horse. Of course, some of these options not for the US visitor!

Posted by
1358 posts

To answer your question:The reason most RS travelers dont stay in Manchester is because there is not much of interest to see there; it is not a tourist target. And it is not close to one.
If you dont find a B&B do a google search for a hostel: "Manchester hostels".

Posted by
12 posts

Oh thank you everyone!! This is all so great- and you've all got me so much more excited! (not sure if that's a good thing when I still have work to do!)
Anyhow thank you Everyone!!!

Posted by
12 posts

Oh and not to "double post" but I just want to ad - that's fine no one wants to go to Manchester :> MORE FOR ME :D!! (everyone stay out ;) kidding)

Posted by
20 posts

By critical eye, I mean there's just so many, you have to come up with a system to decide what you want. I personally would not choose to make reservations at a B&B that didn't have detailed information and preferably photos. Some of them are really just listings. That doesn't mean that the "just listings" places might not be nice, but it's a way of weeding through. And the even the detailed listings are not vetted like Rick's listings, so you might want to ask around here or at Trip Advisor or similar.

Incidentally I get the impression that Manchester is a rather up and coming place, but I don't know if it's a good place for tourists--if there are any sights to see, if you will.

Posted by
12 posts

I just personally am in love with Manchester. I'm not really going as a site see-er more as to soak in what I love. I'm working on setting up what I would need to move there if I want to move there. Thus the visit.

I sorta hope it isn't "up and coming" though v-v
That could I don't know - sorta ruin it.