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Bakeries in London

Over on the main Graffiti Wall, one traveler posted the following and I wanted to recommend Dunn's in Crouch End. It's a bit obscure and may not be easy to get to, but it is a real neighborhood bakery. My mother in law goes there first thing in the morning to get the freshest items (and she's very picky)!

Here's the original post.

Can anyone recommend a British bakery?
Does anyone know of a "British" bakery in London that serves traditional English sweets such as curd tarts, "tipsy imps", and mince pies? There are great bakeries like that in York but we haven't found one in London-only different ethnic bakeries just like they have at home.

editors note: All questions must be posted to Travelers Helpline
San Dimas, Ca USA 03/19/2007

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