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Baggage Lockers at Euston in London?

Are the lockers at Euston Station in London safe? If not, what are our possible alternatives? We are landing in London early in the morning then we are taking the sleeper train to Edinburgh that night.


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497 posts

I stand to be corrected but I'm almost certain that there are no lockers as such at Euston (or any UK rail station.)

According to the National Rail web site there is a left luggage office open between 7.00 and 23.00. This will be as safe as anywhere (although probably not the cheapest.)

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37 posts

You may be able to take your bags over to the British Library and check them there. Plus, there are usual exhibits to see/a nice little cafe if you are trying to kill time but not up for running all over the place. My sister did this back in 2004.