Hello! We will be spending a month in the UK. Do you have A favorite cheap B&B recommendation. Schedule is flexible now. Any ideas welcome.
A&A, It's virtually impossible to answer that question, without having some idea on which towns you plan on visiting. You may find it helpful to have a look at the Great Britain 2013 Guidebook. That not only has good information on the most popular places to visit, but also listings for B&B's, hotels, restaurants, etc. Cheers!
A good general resource for accommodation in the U.K. and other parts of Europe is smoothhound.co.uk.
If you'll be visiting the Cotswolds, we loved Elvington B&B in Bourton-on-the-Water. It was about a 10-minute walk from town centre and the host, Margaret, was lovely. Breakfast was delicious and rooms were very cozy. We paid about 50 pounds/night for a double/twin. http://www.bandb.fsnet.co.uk/
Cynthia is right. Try Smoothhound and if that doesn't work out for you just google Bed & Breakfast plus the town and you'll find even more. Then ask us what, if any, opinions we might have. Plotting you course is one of the best parts of the trip..
Find accommodations via airbnb.com. Use it when I travel here AND abroad.
I have not had a bad B&B experience using Rick's suggestions or TripAdvisor recommendations. I agree that for specifics you need to be more specific in your question.
Thanks everyone. I know it is a broad question. Our time is so open that I wanted to defer to any expertise you all may have in certain areas :) will check out those websites.