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ATM Cards

We will be in England and Ireland for a month this summer. I'm concerned about the growing prevalence for chip cards. Will we have trouble using our ATM/Debit cards in England/Ireland?

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1022 posts

I'v e never had a problem in England or other W. European countries with my debit card either at ATM's or in stores or restaurants.

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188 posts

We didn't have any trouble in The Netherlands or Italy last year, but I've been reading about other travelers' problems with chip cards and have started to become a bit concerned. Glad to hear that others have not had problems.

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23562 posts

As a debit card at an ATM it will not be a problem.

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12313 posts

Chip and pin may affect using your credit cards for certain purchases - even then the places that can't/won't take our credit cards are few and far between. It won't have any affect on using your debit card to get cash from an ATM.

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970 posts

ATM cards: no. Credit cards: Maybe. Someone will correct me if this is wrong, but I do not believe UK or Irish banks are issuing debit/ATM card that rely on a chip. You can use an ATM card there just as you do in the U.S. Be sure your PIN is four characters, does not start with a zero, and contains no letters. Your bank can tell you if they have an arrangement with one of the UK/Irish banks that might save you a few bucks on fees. Credit cards, however, are assumed to have a chip. In popular tourist areas, though, you'll probably find that merchants, etc., are quite willing to deal with an American card. On the other hand, a growing number of automated facilities -- toll booths, gas stations, etc. -- seem to be able to accept only a chip&pin card.