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ATM availability

Can anyone advise me about the number, and accessability, of ATMs in the south of Ireland? We will be staying in Kilkenny, kinsale, kenmare, dingle, doolin, and clifton. We are used to traveling in Italy where ATMs are plentiful, so I am a little concerned about accessing enough cash to last. Also, we typically take out 300-600 Euro per day, is the limit the same in Ireland? Thaks for all the help!

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278 posts

Thanks for the information. I am glad to know that there should be plenty of ATMs. Does anyone have any other advice on money that we should know? Thanks again,

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1266 posts

Jeff - You shouldn't have any problems finding atm in the south of Ireland. Your atm withdrawl limit is determined by your bank. When ever I travel, I contact my bank and ask for a limit increase and I also let them know what days I'll be out of the country.

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9369 posts

Joel is not entirely correct in stating that the withdrawal limit is set by your bank. Yes, they do set a limit, but any ATM can have its own limits. If you should reach an ATM's limit and not have reached your own limit, you can just go to another ATM for the rest. I have never had a problem finding an ATM in Ireland. There are plenty of them in Clifden (I'm guessing that is what you meant by Clifton) - I've used them myself there. There are also plenty in Kilkenny and Kenmare. About the only place you might encounter a problem (of the cities you listed) might be Doolin. It's a very, very small town and I'm not sure it even has a bank.

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655 posts

Start with your home bank and see what their limits may be. Whatever it is, remember that it is in US dollars which will convert to considerably fewer euros. In Ireland you will find lots of ATMs. All of them will have a limit in euros and most likely this will decide how much you can withdraw in any 24 hour period. IF you are traveling with a spouse who also has an ATM card (separate number on hers), she can also withdraw her limit even if you are both withdrawing from the same account in the USA. Confirm all of this with your bank. On a separate note, if your travel includes any Irish B&
Bs (and there are many great ones), many of them will request cash payment and frequently provide a small dicount or free service in consideration of it.

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27 posts

I mentioned this in another post... You can always buy your euros here from Wells Fargo. I always bring the countries currency with me. I like to purchase the money while the rates are best (usually in February through April). If you are not a Wells Fargo customer, they have a website that doesn't require you to bank with them. You have to order a $200 minimum. You purchase using your visa or master card. It's called their Foreign Exchange Service. No one will know if you are carrying around that much cash unless you carry it all in your wallet. Keep the majority of it in a security belt. If you decide on this option and are requesting several hundred euros, request no bills larger than 200. I was issued a 500 and was unable to break it anywhere except Dublin at a special bank. As another reply stated, many B&B's ask for cash only. I have found it makes the day run easier if I'm not stressed trying to locate an ATM. Hope this gives you another option.