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ATM's in Copenhagen and rest of Denmark

We are planning a trip to Denmark in Oct, with most of our time to be spent in Copenhagen. I have used ATM's extensively in France, Netherlands, Ireland, and Italy. Is it just as easy in Denmark? Do you have to have a card with a "chip" instead of a mag strip? I do have a PIN.

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12205 posts

Very easy, no chip required to get cash from an ATM. I did have a problem with a credit card in Helsingor. It wasn't a touristy shop so they didn't know how to do a signature receipt (as most touristy places do). No problem, walked a block to an ATM, got cash, and went back.

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90 posts

Thanks, Brad. I prefer to use cash almost exclusively in Europe and have credit cards to use in an emergency. I had last used my ATM card in Italy a year ago and was hoping the "chip" had not displaced the mag strip since then.
One other comment...too bad Denmark (and Sweden and Norway) don't use the euro. It is so much more convenient.

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12 posts

I was just in Copenhagen this past September and had no problem using my ATM card to withdraw money. All along the Stroget you can find ATM machines....and also in Magasin's du Nord department store.

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2081 posts

@ Tony, when i travel, i collect the local currency, so non Euros are welcome to me and they are my "souvenirs" from my trip. Happy trails.

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12040 posts

"too bad Denmark (and Sweden and Norway) don't use the euro. It is so much more convenient." Given the present state of crisis in the eurozone, I doubt citizens of those countries share that sentiment.