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arriving at opening time (Westminster Abby or Tower of London)

I've seen it mentioned over and over again that we should arrive at opening time at popular attractions in order to minimize crowds and line-waiting. We'll be in London at the end of the month (arrive Sat, 3/31). We arrive in Heathrow at 7AM. I don't expect to be able to get to anything before noon after clearing customs, travel to our hotel, checking in, etc. I think I'm sacrificing our Sunday morning to a London Walks tour at 10:30 (THE LONDON TOUR - Westminster & the West End). So I'm only left with Monday (we have to head to the airport late Tuesday morning). Our sights are Westminster Abby (closed on Sunday obviously) and Tower of London. Which is more important to arrive at early? Will we be incredibly annoyed if we visit Tower of London Sunday afternoon? There is a London Walks Tower of London tour on Sundays at 2 PM (which includes skipping the outside line--but obviously doesn't help with inside crowds) and I'm not sure that tour is worth it since people seem to think the Beefeater tour is very good.

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629 posts

I would head to the Tower first and then to Westminster Abby. We arrived when the Tower opened and even the line at the vault to see the Crown Jewels moved along well. There are large crowds but they can handle the numbers. Enjoy your time there and then head to Westminster. Others may disagree but that is the route I would take. Have you toured Tower bridge? It would be a shame to miss this while you are in the area.

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117 posts

Jennifer, I am headed to London in June. Due to time constraints I have decided to attend Evensong at Westminster on a Sunday. I know it's not the same as touring it but at least I'll get to be inside of it. Not optimal but it works. Maybe this is something you could consider as well. Then you could go to the Tower Monday morning. If seeing WA later that day doesn't work out at least you will have been there. Hope this makes sense. Kristen

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9124 posts

You have more than enough time to see the Abbey, the Tower and THE sites. Arrive at Heathrow, transport to London, check in room. It's noon. Take the Tube to Westminster. Grab a pub lunch at the Red Lion on Whitehall. YOU could do evensong on Saturday at the Abbey. The Abbey website says it's at 3pm on the 31st. LOVELY way to see the Abbey. Arrive by 2pm. If you eat at the Red Lion it's a 10 minute walk to the Abbey. After Evensong stroll back up Whitehall, visit the Horse Guards, peek at #10 Downing street, and keep walking to Trafalgar Square. Restroom stop at the National Gallery. Either hop on the Tube at Charing Cross and head to Hyde Park corner OR follow the Mall adjacent to St. James Park to Buckingham Palace. From the Palace you have all sorts of options. Could even take the tube to the West end. Depending on your stamina, that evening do another London Walks, see a play, etc. Sunday morning sacrifice the West End and visit the Tower of London on your own first thing in the morning. The Tube station is right across from the entrance. See if there is another London Walk you'd like to take that afternoon or evening or simply explore the London sites on your own. Many of THE sites are within walking distance of one another but if the Abbey and The Tower are the two sites you are focused on seeing then I think what I've described is a viable option. Enjoy!

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888 posts

Typically, crowds also diminish in the late afternoons since groups are usually heading out of there, so I think you would be okay for the 2pm Tower of London tour if that is what you want to do. Then, you can go to Westminster Abbey Monday morning. No guarantees though, but I wouldn't think the London Walks tour folks would schedule a tour during the busiest time either. Either way, do try and see the evensong at Westminster Abbey either Saturday or Sunday night. Maybe see it Saturday night and leave Sunday night for a show in the West End. You can get same-day half price tickets at the Tkts booth in Leicester Square.

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46 posts

Thank you for all the replies. I'm not sure about going to a service at Westminster. We're Jewish and I think I would just feel a little intrusive to go to a service. Westminster is #1 on my husband's list so we're definitely going to tour it. These aren't our only plans, these are just our must-sees so I want to time them so we can get the most enjoyment out of them. I've looked at all the London Walks tours and I think that Sunday mid-morning one is my favorite by far (shows the main sights). This is our first trip to London and we know it's quite short. We're heading to Paris for 7 days after.

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1986 posts

Westminster Abbey is definitely worth the time- there is so much to see. I usually do it on my own, so i can dawdle at points that interest me- but there are guided tours (both commercial and i believe put on by the Abbey0 which will give you a lot more insight i would have no hesitation in turning up there in the afternoon (Tower first thing in the morning). i have never been turned away because there were too many visitors at the Abbey. Also be sure to see the cloisters , little cloisters etc; and adjoining