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Amsterdam: better than a park bench, please?

Does anyone know about alternative places to stay in Amsterdam, other than hostels? They get quite pricey around the time I am going (Dec 31 for 4 days), and it's a budget trip.

If anyone has any suggestions (No matter how strange!) that are better than sleeping in a park, I would appreciate it so much.


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12205 posts

I have stayed at Vondelpark Hostel which is a pretty nice hostel. If a hostel is too expensive, there aren't too many options left. Safety is an issue. There are many places in Europe where I would happily camp out. Amsterdam isn't one of them.

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1358 posts

I would search google for Amsterdam hostels and read about all of them. Pick one with a price you can afford. After you spend a night, you can always look around for something better.

Hostels are ALWAYS the best buy for your money when you are on a budget.

Sometimes you can find a room on campus when classes are dismissed at a university. When you arrive in Amsterdam I would ask as the Tourist Information Office for a room.