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A day in Dublin

We will be on our own (without a guide) in Dublin for a day. I know we plan to see the Book of Kells, and two of the group wants to go to Guinness. I've looked at Powerscourt and Glendalough and think they both merit a visit but know we wouldn't have time for both. After our visit to Trinity College and Guinness what recommendations would you make for the rest of the day? I'm thinking we could get a bus tour for anything outside of Dublin.

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9369 posts

Guinness is a huge waste of time and money, in my opinion. It's really just an expensive commercial with a "free" pint at the end. You don't see any of the brewing process at all, just multitudes of buying opportunities for the same Guinness merchandise you can find all over Dublin (all over Ireland, for that matter). If you are planning to see the Book of Kells you should go first thing in the morning before it opens, particularly if you are traveling during a peak tourist time. Otherwise, the lines can be very long. You can get half-day tours for Glendalough and Powerscourt (combined in one tour). You could also get a half-day tour to Newgrange and Knowth. If you want to stay in Dublin, you might enjoy a Georgian house tour at 29 Lower Fitzwilliam St, just off of Merrion Square. And I always recommend that people see Kilmainham Gaol.

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113 posts

Guinness isn't my thing, but sometimes you compromise! I'll probably show them some reviews, and maybe they'll settle for one at the pub instead!

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54 posts

Dellinda, One of the best things we did in Dublin was take a Historial Walking Tour of Dublin, led by Trinity College history grad students: It's great for getting an overview of the city and the sights. I'd also suggest Kilhamain Jail. I haven't been there but it is on my itinerary for going next year! Enjoy!

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1035 posts

"Guinness isn't my thing, but sometimes you compromise! I'll probably show them some reviews, and maybe they'll settle for one at the pub instead!" Nancy is spot on. Don't waste your valuable time. Find a good pub instead. A good compromise is the oldest pub in Ireland (nearly in the shadow of the Guinness factory too): The Brazen Head. It can be a bit touristy, but a great pint and an interesting place all the same.

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113 posts

I had considered the walking tour and appreciate the pub recommendation also.

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1358 posts

I'll second what Nancy said about Guinness and Kilmainham. The brewery is okay, but not worth the price of admission that they charge. But I understand about compromising it was tops on my brother-in-law's list when we were there, and he didn't ask for much, so we went. Kilmainham is a moving bit of Irish history and will give you insight into the Irish experience that the other sights won't. I also really enjoyed the 1916 rebellion walking tour. Their website is It's given by a pair of Trinity College professors (they alternate days) who have published books on the subject. It meets at a pub off of Grafton Street and ends at the GPO.

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113 posts

Would you do both the 1916 Rising Tour and the Historical Walking Tour or would there be too much overlap to do both in the one day we have? I think we'll buy our Kells tickets online to save a few minutes, even though we have to wait in line to get in.

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9369 posts

There's really no need to buy Book of Kells tickets ahead, particularly if there is a service charge involved. The line that you will encounter is to get in, not to purchase tickets.