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We will be flying into London and then catching another flight to Munich, Germany. How long should I plan on getting through customs/baggage before scheduling my flight to Munich. I should be arriving around 7:15 a.m. I appreciate any help you can give me. Linda.

Posted by
3428 posts

It all depends on which ariport- Gatwick or Heathrow; which terminal (Heathrow has 4 or 5)you flight arrives at and which the second departs from. AND it depends on how many other flights arrive at the same time as yours. I'd allow at least
4+ hours at Gatwick and more at Heathrow. Sometimes we have gotten through immigration in less than 20 min. after getting off the plane, other times it has taken and hour or more- and we fly into Gatwick which is less crowded, but not as well staffed. We also do not check luggage, so don't have to worry about that.

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2876 posts

Are you using a single airline and checking your bags all the way through to Munich, or are you switching airlines and having to retrieve your bags in London?

The time you need is going to depend on what you have to do or not do in London.

Posted by
16096 posts

Linda, it's possible that you won't have to go through either customs or immigration in London. But before we can answer we have to know the following:

1) Which airline are you flying into London and to what airport?

2) Which airline are you flying to Munich and from which airport in London?

3) Are you booking separate flights USA to London and London to Munich instead of USA-Munich? And if so, why?