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Travel Insurance?

Yes? No? why? If yes, which company did you use and why? We are traveling on our own to the UK, have purchased airline tickets and paid for a flat rental. Since it's a mid-December trip (weather concerns) during flu season (neither of us have had the H1N1 and have not yet been able to get the shot, I'm thinking insurance might be good.


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9363 posts

Insurance is always good, as long as you tailor your policy to only cover the things you really need to cover. At you can compare lots of different policies to find just the coverage you need without extras that you don't. There are package policies with lots of kinds of coverage included, medical policies that only cover health and med evac, and flight-only policies, among others. There have been several recent discussions on this topic if you scroll down through the Helpline and look (particularly in the General Europe section), too.

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180 posts

Last year was the first time I bought any trip insurance (except for a couple other tours where I bought cancellation insurance).

I got it through AAA and it was a very reasonable cost compared to other insurances.